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Need Help?

Hunger strikes all walks of life and CCFP is here to help. If you are experiencing food insecurity we have provided resources below, as well as eligibility requirements to shop at our pantry. We can't serve everyone, but we continue to do everything we can to expand our client reach.


Our pantry serves people who live in Pike Township and west of Meridian Street of Washington Township. We require a current bill or piece of mail with your name and address to prove your residency. Additionally, we serve everyone who is a patient at the Eskenazi Health Center Pecar. We require papers from a doctor's visit for proof. Those who qualify are eligible to shop twice a month at the pantry.


Nuestra dispensa sirve a la gente que vive en Pike Township y el oeste de Meridian Street de Washington Township. Requerimos un bill actual o pieza de correo con tu nombre y dirección para probar tu residencia. Además, servimos a toda la gente que son pacientes en la clínica de Eskenazi Pecar. Requerimos los papeles de una visita del doctor. Los que cumplen los requisitos pueden recoger comida dos veces al mes.

Crooked Creek Food Pantry Hours

El horario de la Dispensa Crooked Creek


Wednesdays / miercoles

Fridays / viernes

10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
1:00 PM to 3:30 PM


1:00 PM to 5:00 PM


Serving Pike Township and Washington Township west of Meridian

Servimos Pike Township and Washington Township west of Meridian



For immediate assistance, please VISIT HERE

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Helping Links

CCFP Recommends the Following Links for Assistance

St.Luke's United Methodist Church

Gleaners Food Bank

National Hunger HOTLINE

Call 1-866-3HUNGER


"Our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change."


-Martin Luther King Jr.

Crooked Creek Food Pantry



6940 N Michigan Rd Indianapolis IN United States 46268


Crooked Creek Food
Pantry Hours

El horario de la Despensa
Crooked Creek


Wednesdays / miercoles

Fridays / viernes

10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
1:00 PM to 3:30 PM


1:00 PM to 5:00 PM


Serving Pike Township and Washington Township west of Meridian

Servimos Pike Township and Washington Township west of Meridian




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